This year I noticed that every evening, the bumble bees would bury themselves in the centers as if they were going to bed for the night. Could that bee?
Yesterday I ripped out all the summer cosmos plants and took them to the compost heap. So long beautiful cosmos, see you next year.
Saving seeds for next year. "All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today."
Summer wouldn't be summer in my garden without a good healthy patch of cosmos and dill growing together. They make a beautiful combination. And both will enthusiastically reseed themselves in the garden next year. I'd probably treat them like invasive weeds at my place if they weren't so darned pretty.
From another wedding a couple years ago, a bride's bouquet of cosmos and grasses. So down-to-earth happy and pretty.
"Double Click Rose Bon Bon" . A new favourite of mine. Last year, I decided it would be much more fun to try some of the less common ones....steered clear of the Sensation and Sonata mixes and will do so every year now. Thompson and Morgan have a fabulous selection of many versions of cosmos. (if you're in Canada, make sure you go to the Canadian version of the site) I can't wait to grow lots of orange and yellows next year!
This past spring I started lots of cosmos seeds and sold quite a few seedling plants at the Farmer's Market. Will do next year too!
"Versailles Tetra" was another favourite this year. I love it's bright pink petals that become a darker carmine at the gold center.
Cosmos are drought tolerant and do well in poor soil too. Here they are in an arrangement of other drought tolerants. None of these were watered once this summer in my garden...a nice combo on water-conscious Mayne Island. Versailles Tetra Cosmos with Kiss-Me-Over-The-Garden-Gate, Fennel flowers and Cardoon leaves and heads...really lovely!
It seems that this year, I couldn't get enough of Cosmos. So many snapshots!
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